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Membury Parish Council
Membury Parish Council

AGAR / Accounts / Period for the Exercise of Public Rights

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About The Council

Membury is an ancient village with a lively modern community, situated in East Devon’s Blackdown Hills.

The parish council represents the residents of Membury Parish on local issues. Council functions include: emergency planning for flooding and snow, grass cutting, war memorial maintenance, the playing field (working with the playing field association), car park maintenance, footpath monitoring and maintenance, management of the Quaker burial ground. The council also sponsors the village Neighbourhood Plan.

Planning application decisions are made by East Devon District Council, and highways maintenance (including drains, gullies and potholes) is the responsibility of Devon County Council

Parish council meetings are held approximately every 6 weeks, usually on a Tuesday night, in the Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm.

Meetings are open to everyone, and all parishioners are invited to attend. There is a public forum at the end of every meeting; alternatively you can raise questions in advance of a meeting through the clerk or any of the councillors.

You can find the minutes for 2023 / 2024 here.

If you are looking for information on community activities, you can visit what's on, or to stay up to date, subscribe to the village newsletter.

Parish Council Meetings

Please check the Agendas section for the current year to find out about the next meeting and corresponding agenda.

Upcoming Parish Council meetings, held at Membury Village Hall at 7:30pm on Tuesdays, unless otherwise specified:


  • Dec 3rd


  • 7th Jan (7:45pm)
  • 25th Feb
  • 8th April (APM)
  • 26th May (APCM)
  • 8th July
  • 2nd Sept
  • 4th Nov

Click here to download an iCal file with all meetings, to add to your calendar automatically.

Policies and Statements

Please find all of our policies and statements here, as reviewed during the Parish Council Meeting held on 31st May 2023.

Membury Neighbourhood Plan 

East Devon District Council have now confirmed the Membury Neighbourhood Plan as formally 'made', following the positive referendum result in March.

The recommendation to formally 'make' the Plan was approved on 27th April 2020.


Any planning applications can be found here. You can search for a planning application, an enforcement action or a planning appeal by address, postcode or map. You can also look at applications by week or month. For additional information on how to view planning applications, follow this link.

The Membury Home Emergency Plan


Please find a record of Parish Council accounts current and historical here.


Our parish contains 18 miles of footpaths through some beautiful countryside. We maintain these in liaison with Devon County Council. As well as regular repairs, we are looking at replacing stiles with gates when possible, to make access easier for everyone.

To view footpaths in and around Membury, please visit this interactive mapping tool.

Waste and Recycling

For Information on East Devon District Council's Waste and Recycling Service, please visit the links below:

Green Waste Collection Information Leaflet

A - Z of Recycling and Disposals

Recycling and Food Waste Collections

Christmas Recycling Information

Useful Links

Blackdown Hills AONB

East Devon District Council

Devon County Council

DCC Website 'Roads & Transport'

DCC Accident sites/statistics

Axminster Business Directory

Blackdown Hills Parish Network

Accessibility Statement