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The Village Hall
The Village Hall

Membury Village Hall & Bookings

The Village Hall is right at the centre of the village, with a car park opposite. It is run by a charity (#: 1166182) with trustees, both elected at an AGM and nominated by village societies and clubs. The hall is used by the village school and many other activities take place there, such as weekly badminton and bowls, meals, film nights as well as an annual flower show and annual panto all run by village organisations. Membury Village Hall has a premises license (PLWA0804)

To view a report entitled “MVH Planning the future together Full Report Feb 2024” click here

This review has been compiled by the Trustees following the appointment of a largely new committee in September 2023.

The Village hall has a main hall, smaller “committee” room and fully equipped kitchen. All available for hire.

If you would like to check the diary, click here.

If you would like to make a booking, click here.

To view the hire conditions and hire rates, click here

Village Hall Policies, safeguarding, investment

Chairman: David Neill
01404 881106
Secretary: Sue McLaney
07808 760068
Treasurer: Bobbie Clarke
07931 319245

Make a booking

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